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Next Stage Celtic Wheel Facilitator Training 


 November 2024 - October 2025


Developing Modern Medicine Women



Applications are closed for this cycle

A training for women who are committed to ushering in a new paradigm

and wish to become a  facilitator, teacher, leader and guide...


  •  in Celtic cyclical wisdom and the Sovereign Way.
  •  in the sacred work of the feminine though the mythic map of the Celtic Wheel of the Year.
  •  in reconnecting us to our relationship of reciprocity with the natural world
  • in re-souling the world by weaving ancient Celtic ancestral wisdom with modern scientific knowledge 


Next Stage Celtic Wheel is a map, a methodology and ancient modern medicine for this momentous time of chaos and change. 


Your unique wisdom, leadership and medicine are needed right now to mid-wife a new wiser more beautiful world. 


Next Stage Celtic Wheel is a framework, a mythic journey and body of work that has empowered and emboldened 1,000+ women over the last 7 years to live the rhythms of nature and to embody the forbidden sovereign feminine.


This is the journey we were born to travel together. 


"Ní neart go cur le chéile"

There is no strength without unity

(Irish Proverb)

In this training you will  

deepen your CAPACITIES  and SKILLS

as a facilitator, guide and ritualist of Celtic cyclical wisdom and Next Stage Celtic Wheel methodology. 

gain an understanding of the CELTIC WHEEL OF THE YEAR

it's origins and history through an evolutionary lens. Become a Celtic cyclical guide who weaves ancient ancestral wisdom with contemporary science; reaching into the past, rooted in the present, looking to the future.

attune to the SACRED LAND OF IRELAND, its myths music 

and ancestral wisdom

Being on the land, visits to sacred sites, immersing in the traditions  is at the heart of this training. 

explore, excavate and start to embody  your DÁN

What are you here to live into in this life, at this time and how does this work  align with your Soul’s highest expression. 

apprentice with a SMALL GROUP of fellow Medicine Women

journeying together to guarantee the optimum  experience and learning. 

be licensed to use NSCW MATERIAL + GRAPHICS

Weave the NSCW teachings, materials, maps and practices to complement and enrich your current offerings. 



The impact of Next Stage Celtic Wheel 

what the women say.... 

Next steps

How it all works

Step 1


Applications open for 2 weeks from August 9 2024 - August 23 2024 

Step 2


Interviews will take place the week of September 2nd 2024

Step 3


Invitation to join the training will be issued on September 10 

Training Structure + Details  


This is a comprehensive year long training designed around the seasonal rhythms of nature and the creative cycle.


The training will require a considerable time commitment with inperson immersions, visits to sacred sites, peer exchange, weekly practice and project work. 


Your facilitation training will include:
2 In-person
Immersion Retreats

(10 in-person days in total) 


9 Live online
Training + Practice calls  
Personal 1:1 mentoring  
Membership to
NSCW Tribe 24/25



The 9 Modules


Training dates


Note: Online Training and Practice calls are on Zoom 

6.30pm -9pm (Irish time) 

*Guest faculty announced soon





November 15 - 20 2024

 Immersion Ox Mountains

Co Sligo  


Tuesday December 17 




 Tuesday February 11th 2025

Tuesday February 18th 2025

Tuesday February 25th 2025




Tuesday May 6th 2025

Tuesday May 13th 2025

Tuesday May 20th 2025




August 2025 (dates + location TBC)


Tuesday 14 October 2025


The Celtic Wheel found its way to me in 2011, when I was in a very challenging and desolate place.

It happened in a mythic moment in the auspicious Hazel Wood forest in Sligo, on the west coast of Ireland.

For the preceding seven years I had been on a big journey of unravelling, shedding and remembering. 

I entered a Soul apprenticeship with the Wheel. I started to live the Wheel, live by its rhythms and ritual repetition. It mapped a new  path that helped me make sense of the instability of my life  and the chaos of the world. 

Reconnecting with the wisdom of the Celtic Wheel profoundly changed how I approached my life. It helped me to make sense of my challenges and losses. It showed me the value and beauty of the ebbs and flows, the fallow and the fertile times.

As I step into this new chapter, launching a facilitator training program, my intention is to empower others to share this body of work. .

Through the Next Stage Celtic Wheel facilitator training, you will learn to guide others in reconnecting with these ancient rhythms and wisdom, fostering a community of evolved sovereignty, and promoting a life lived in deep alignment with the soul.

This is more than a body of work; it's a calling to lead, to teach, and to empower. It's an invitation for others to join me in this sacred role, to become carriers of this ancient modern wisdom, and to light the path for those seeking to reclaim their connection to Celtic ancestral wisdom, and the profound insights it offers for living a life of purpose, power, and soul connection.

My Story

  Requirements + Time Commitment 


To Apply 

A prerequisite for the training you must have completed a full year journey with me on Next Stage Celtic Wheel (not the Self led programme)


Time commitment  

As a rule I suggest you commit a minimum of 8-10 hours a month, outside the in-person intensives, the teaching/practice calls and your project work.


Requirements to receive your certification 

  • Full attendance at the two in-person immersions 
  • 80% attendance for the online training + practice calls. Recordings will be available. 
  • Completion of a project
Apply here

“Women have such potential to bring into the world a totally new insight into the cyclical pattern of life. But if they keep trying to run that straight line of perfection and performance the body catches up with them.”

Marion Woodman

Frequently Asked Questions

"To seek my bush soul to come back into wilderness.
What am I outside of culture?
What am I in nature ?"
- John Moriarty